glass chamber
my ongoing side project about melting abs plastic using acetone will be the drive for this project.

the problem I have with this project is what story I want to tell with it.
what has this project to do with hacking?

as written:
Hacker: a person who enjoys exploring the details of programmable systems and how to stretch their capabilities.

the filosofie behind the melting technique feels very close to this. by researching the material well. look at its weak points (acetone).
collapse abs with the acetone vapor smoothing technique.

when left for too long in the acetone vapors ABS tends to collapse. as it looses its structural integrity.

as intervention on this technique I wanted to control the collapsing. look for ways to have consistent collapsions and hopefully being able to design the collapse
the technique of melting with acetone is a slow and visual process behind glass. melting away the toys that for lots of people are the figurehead of their youth.

look how your youth slowly melts away in front of your eyes.

what will be the presentation form of this project?

will it be a functional product referring to my major: product design?

since it is a slow process. maybe I should livestream te process.
Last year my roommate had a project here in school about playing linke kids. she made a play garden with toys that don't have a direct way of using.

kids mastered that. and I struggled a lot. you are losing the child in you.

that stayed with me
the history construction and deconstruction. of materialization

why is this important for me.
children deconstructing childhood.pdf:


I should stop giving the project a story. It is one by itself.

its about breaking down instead of building up?

speculative everything
the. manual of design fiction, by near future
ray bratsbarry
the illustrated man.

Gustav Metzger, auto destructive art.

themes to dive in to:



auto destructive

stare to/ loose your thoughts in:

3d printing
laundy machine
Why do I make things in the first place? Look more to the reasons behind all my previous projects.
this is my portfolio website.
The main drive of my work are just childish fascinations and its humor. I see, I think and I can't get it out of my head. The fun of it.

Damn, nice object. How is it made? what is it made from? can I feel it? can I push it further? what could I do with it? would be fun if.... on and on. questions that don't stop coming.

the main interest and fascination most of the time is how things are made. Sometimes that process is way more beautiful than the result it creates. the pleasure of that is something I often want to share. get a smile on someones face.
mensen werken uit zichzelf uit nieuwsgierigheid

construction with lego. is building
my process is breaking apart.
both states of building.

-hans haacke condensation cube.

time is part of story, stronger representation?

-'slow science.'
another science is possible: a manifesto for slow science.

challenge typical displays- plinths
what are the methods or processes that are specific for me?

and what could they mean for me, what could my projects gain?

find examples. autodestructive and slow science examples. and experiment with them.

finding my own specific anti-processes.

Dik Raaijmakers.
How to enthuse the viewer for my childlike fascinations?

duidelijker maken, waarom moet de kijker dit ervaren?

en kinderlijke en het overtuigende.

moet het wel gepresenteerd worden op een sokkel? zijn er alternatieven manieren. hoe visualiseer je het process. hoe wek je de fascinatie op? hoe laat ik de kijker beleven wat ik beleef. aangeven wat ik aan het doen ben.
how can I make the vieuwer appreciate the production process more.

introduction (what your project is about, your research question, motivation (why), for whom, the most relevant theories/views, your methods, how you structured your document)
theoretical context, theories you discuss (min 5)
experiments and analyses
interviews, expert views
conclusion: relating the outcomes of your research steps to your work
the project is one of my child like fascinations. it brings up my inner playful child. the things I do/make I do because I don't see it as work. I see it as playing. fill up the free time by doing things that give energy. instead of ask for energy. I want to share that. my way of playing. making isn't work and hopefully I can show that.
this table triggered me to play when I. was little. they usually were at the dentist, or the play corner in Ikea. I see this as an iconic lego object.
betalen met geld wat je terug krijgt.

manipulatie van objecten in public space waarvan input output is.

contradiction lego is playing and action melting is slow and waiting. anti lego undoing lego by still playing with it.

see the purpose of playing. with the first picture.
film people making to then melt their objects.

playing is intuition based.

torture vs pleasure

question the people how they experience it.

the base of the project